Monday, February 7, 2011

Ashley at 14!

What an amazing and adorable girl our Ashley is! It is hard to believe she is 14 and now a Mia Maid! It will be fun to have her in our fun little group. Here are some of the things we love about Ashley: self-motivated, quietly determined, athletic, has beautiful hair and can do cute things with her hair and others, sensitive, a problem solver, has an uncanny ability to find thins that are lost, a good leader, willing to work to get something she wants, and many other things!

I got to spotlight Ashley in Young Women since she is now a Mia Maid and I shared the above information and I also included this little story: Ashley was born while my mom and dad were serving a mission in Nauvoo, Illinois. I was sad that they wouldn't be here for the birth. A couple days before Ashley was born, I was talking to my mom on the phone and she said she had a dream and that the baby was a girl and she had red hair. We had not had an ultra-sound so we didn't know what we were having. Lo and behold, she was born and she was indeed a girl. She wasn't born with a lot of hair but it was red and is still red to this day. I think that was a very sweet tender mercy from Heavenly Father to bless us since my mom and dad were in His service and couldn't be with me.

1 comment:

Marianne & Clayton said...

She is such a doll. Isn't 14 supposed to be an awkward stage? She's nothing but loveliness.