Thursday, January 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Ashley!

This darling ginger is now 19!  Happy Birthday Ashley!  We love you!

Flowers from Casey and Bryan

Lyndie and Lacy brought her a cute tee shirt for her birthday!

Kevin doing a a superb photo bomb!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

January Beginnings

 Here we are into the new year.  This month we have been watching a lot of basketball.  Abby is doing well on the sophomore team.  And have I mentioned how much everyone loves Sadie??!!

Sadie getting some love.

Starting out January right with visits to the Provo temple.

Watching Abby play and reminiscing good times in the Thunder dome.

Selfie with Grandma and her "friend" Chuck.
FHE with Trevor and Katherine at Nickel City

This is our kind of FHE!
I received a surprise on January 14th.  I was awarded the PTA Golden Apple Teacher award at Edgemont!  How fun to get some appreciation for what can be a Thankless job sometimes!

Long days and nights together have us dressing similarly!  Guess we all got the memo that day!
Some of our cute Star Wars characters.  Star Wars day at Edgemont.

Looking through his R2D2 viewer.

PTA Reading Assembly with Cosmo and Mitchell Juergens

Getting ready for Grandma to come home from the hospital.  It's been over a month!

"Dr. King" working on one of his patients.