Sunday, April 4, 2010

More Easter happenings....

We are celebrating Easter this year without Courtney, who is in Southern California with Emilee Sudweeks and her family. (Incidentally, Courtney called us to tell us that she had just been in an earthquake. The magnitude was 6.9 which they upgraded to 7.2 later. We are so glad that they are okay. How scary! They were in San Diego at the time. I was in an earthquake that was a 5.5 and I thought that was scary! It doesn't sound like there was too much damage though. Amazing when you consider that the Haiti earthquake was 6.8!) We were also missing Lynnell and McKenzie, who are in Ukraine and won't be back until the end of the week. Besides Ukraine, they are going to London. We are so excited for them to return so we can hear all about their adventure!

The girls minus Courtney waiting to start our annual Easter treasure hunt.

They found the Easter basket!

Abby got a fun little Easter craft to do during General Conference.

Ashley had fun working on hers, too.
Easter dinner at Grandma and Grandpa King's

Grandma working her magic in the kitchen
Every good cook needs a trusted assistant

Waiting for the festivities to begin...
We also celebrated Casey and Kevin's birthdays. Here is Casey with some cute notes from Bentley and Brody.
Our two King redheads
Grandpa King always seems to be able to hide Casey's eggs so well she can never find them all. She was able to find them this time! Victory!

Kevin and Amy

Scott and Nicole

Abby and Bentley

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