Friday, April 30, 2010

Breaking the King family curse!

So our girls have all run for different studentbody offices at school and we have always come in second......until now. Ashley was running for studentbody historian at Centennial Middle School and we just found out today that she won! The curse is lifted! It couldn't happen to a nicer girl! I know she will do a great job! Way to go Ash! We are proud of you!


Be Thou Humble said...

Congrats! Brittany hasn't wanted to break into student government yet but next year almost all of her class officers are LDS so it would have been a good year to try! I'm glad your family curse was finally lifted!

The King family said...

It is interesting that outside of Utah (where everyone is not LDS) the LDS kids seem to be in student government a lot. I think some of the reason could be that the church does teach leadership skills. Where else can young people learn that?

Casey Marie said...

i have to state just for the record...that i broke my own curse. haha but ashley broke the centennial curse.