Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We made ink!

Well, apparently the Ensign has dropped their standards so much that there is a picture of our family on page 102 of the November 2009 conference issue! We knew there was a chance that we would be in but with Amy's amazing one eye-closing ability in taking pictures, thought the likelihood was pretty low. However, there we are and both of Amy's eyes are open. The only way it could be better is if Casey had been in the picture too! Oh well, you can't have everything!

You can see it online if you open the pdf file at Otherwise, wait until you get your Ensign this month!

Note about the title- We Made Ink! Kevin says that when you get your name or picture published in the newspaper. He is the only one I ever hear say it, so maybe he made it up. Are you familiar with that phrase?


Jessica said...

Woohoo, my kids will be so excited to see that! :)

Marianne & Clayton said...

I can't wait to see it and say - " I KNOW THEM!"

deerhollow said...

Hey! I saw you as I was flipping through the Ensign today!! How great was that!?