Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blog to Book

So I had heard that there was a way you could take your blog and make it into a book but I had never taken the time to research it. Then I was reading a friend's blog where she talked about making a blog book. She loved it and says hers turned out well and it was easy. So, I checked it out and I am in the process of converting my 2008 blogs into a family history book. Has anyone else done this? Do you have any advice or recommendations?

This is the one I am using and it is pretty simple. It "slurps" all your blogs into book form and then you can play around with it and tweak it.

If it works, this will be a great way to keep up with my family scrapbooks. I enjoy blogging way more than scrapbooking and blogging is much faster!


Marianne & Clayton said...

I've heard about it, and like you- I've planned to do it someday. Keep us posted as you are the only one I know who is really doing it. Hope it works well!

Robinson Family said...

You're going to love doing this. The book turned out great and was much less time consuming than scrapbooking. You can add extra pages for special events like birthdays and insert extra pictures. You can also play with the layout and add colors and graphics. Good luck and have fun.

Sheila said...

I've done Blurb and LOVE IT! I use it for our family "journal" and it's even better b/c it's soo easy and has all the pictures. Be sure you get the most pages for you money. I've also done and LOVE them, they don't convert your blog into a book, but I use them for the more scrapbook-y type albums. Good luck!