Friday, July 4, 2008

Miley Cyrus/Stadium of Fire!

Here are the girls with their Stadium of Fire tickets just before they left.
Here they are with McKenzie and Maggie. We got as close to the stadium as we could and then dropped them off! We hope they have fun! Here they are arriving home. Since the traffic is horrendous, we thought it would work best if the girls walked home. It's not like there wouldn't be thousands of people all over the place, even that late at night! They got home around 11:30. They report that they had a FANTASTIC time!! They especially liked Blue Man Group. They said Miley Cyrus was good but played more of her new songs that are coming out on her new album instead of more of the songs that they already know. Other than that, it was great!

1 comment:

Shelli Sivert said...

Wow--so your girls got the coveted Miley Cyrus tickets! Cool. I bet they were the envy of the neighborhood. Fun!