Sunday, April 23, 2023

Amy's Unexcellent Adventure!

So spring break was cut short by Amy not feeling well and waking up to looking at a yellow face in the mirror! We got to celebrate birthdays but then headed back to Provo early. Amy had a doctor's appt. the morning after we got home. They did some tests and called back to say we should go to the emergency room! From there, I was put in the hospital. I was having liver issues. They told us they saw a mass on my liver and suspected cancer. Then they thought it was lymphoma. After tests and spending 6 days in the hospital, they decided it wasn't cancer (whew!) but a drug-induced liver injury. (Curious, since I had been the one to go to the doctor initially with symptoms!) They said my liver would go back to normal but couldn't say how long it would take! (We now know that it took about a month and a half!) We spend Easter and Kevin's birthday in the hospital. After coming home from the hospital, even after a couple weeks we weren't seeing much improvement (other than I was able to keep some food down) Dr. Kawa put me on prednisone. It took a while but that is when the improvement started happening! It feels good to feel good again! Just for memories-sake, here were my symptoms: extreme fatigue, itchy rash all over, yellow all over, couldn't keep much food or even water down. As of July 19, 2023, my liver enzymes were all in the average range! Thus ended Amy's Unexcellent Adventure! It was so humbling to receive so much love in the form of flowers, meals, prayers, texts, etc. from our family, friends, and neighbors. We truly are blessed to live among so many good, good people.

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