Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Kevin called to be President of the Edgemont Stake!

On June 6, 2021, Kevin was sustained and set apart as the president of the Edgemont Stake. Because it was being streamed, our California families and Alaska family and Edgemont 8th ward families were also able to tune in for the special occasion.  Abby and Courtney were able to join us.  We weren't supposed to say anything to our family other than strongly suggest that they come to stake conference or join us virtually.  Abby had a temple recommend interview at 10:30, which would have been right during the meeting and I suggested she change it, which she did.  Casey was supposed to say the opening prayer in their sacrament meeting at the same time as stake conference, and I suggested she find someone else to do it.  

On Sat. June 5, 2021, we were called by President Jackson to come back to the stake center to visit with Elder Shayne M. Bowen and Elder Daniel S. Mehr.  Kevin had been over at the stake offices all morning helping to facilitate all the interviews that were going on.  He was also interviewed.  

We quickly got our Sunday clothes on and went over to the stake center.  When we got there, Elders Bowen and Mehr had me come in and interviewed me, then Kevin.  When they were done, they had me come in to join them and Elder Bowen extended the call in the name of Jesus Christ to serve as President of the Edgemont stake.  We were a little dumbfounded, but Kevin accepted the call.  My response was, "But we're just regular people!"  Within a matter of about 30 minutes, we had prayed, discussed and come up with 2 names for his counselors.  

On Sunday, Kevin had saved a row for us in the front right part of the stake center.  He was so hot, he went and turned down the air in the chapel.  The meeting started and Kevin's name was presented to the stake as the president, with counselors Chad Grunander and Kimball Christianson.  Scott Jackson was released as president with his counselors, Curtis Johnson and Bill Freedman. They were a phenomenal presidency.  

Kevin walked up and took his place up on the stand.  McKenzie had been watching from home and threw her clothes on and came and sat with us.  That was so sweet. 

The rest of the meeting was hearing the testimonies of Pres. Jackson, Ruthann, and Pres. Johnson and Pres. Freedman.  Then Kevin bore his testimony and Elders Mehr and then Bowen spoke.  I didn't speak, but I feel like elder Mehr represented me by repeating my statement that "but we're just regular people".  That has since resonated with many people who have commented on that.  

After the meeting, we spoke with former President Bunting and his wife, Shelby and also Colette Callister.

Then we (Pres. King, Pres. Grunander, and Pres. Christianson) went into the Relief Society room with our families, and they were set apart as the Edgemont Stake presidency.


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