Saturday, March 26, 2011

A new era

On March 23, 2011, something extraordinary occurred. Casey's good friend, Caitlin MacKay, got married. We have been back door neighbors with the MacKay's since the girls were about a year old. She is the first of Casey's circle of friends to be married. They were married in the Mt. Timpanogos temple and it was a beautiful ceremony presided over by her grandfather, who is a sealer at the Salt Lake temple. He was able to perform the ceremony. Casey and another good friend, Maggie, were bridesmaids. Maggie was here from Washington and brought some friends with her who have also become Casey's friends. (Yes, I know. There are no pictures of the bride! But by the time we got to the reception, the dancing had begun.)

1 comment:

Casey Marie said...

"who have also become her friends..."

Little did we know...