Friday, November 26, 2010

The Scarlet Pimpernel

Mom and I have been planning to go to The Scarlet Pimpernel for almost a year. We wanted to go when it was at the Hale Centre Theatre in West Valley and didn't get a chance. Then we waited and waited until it was finally playing at the Hale Theater in Orem. Then, I waited too long and almost didn't get tickets! Well, Mom and I went and I also got tickets for the girls, too. It was a fabulous show. The Hale Theater always does such a great job. Well, gotta go. I want to go look up the music on itunes!


Marianne & Clayton said...

I saw the same musical there years and years ago. I was blown away at how good it was! I would see it again in a heartbeat.

Be Thou Humble said...

We saw that show down here in AZ at the Hale Theater. We loved it! It has been our favorite one they've done. The main actor was incredible! Glad you got to go!