Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye, Summer!

We tried to stuff our Labor day weekend full of all the things we love. It was a soaring bird spotting, crawdad catching, firemaking, fresh air breathing, BYU football watching, family chatting kind of weekend.
Sadie loves to find fresh manure and roll in it, for some reason.

We interrupt this camping trip to bring you the BYU-University of Washington football game. (BYU emerges the victor 23-17. It was sweltering for the first half of the game, by the way.)So while we took time out for football, Courtney and some of her club soccer friends got to be the ball girls for the Real Soccer team Sat. night. She said it was a blast!

Casey just hanging out.....
Grandpa shows us his ladderball skills.

Grandpa getting in one last hug from McKenzie, who will be leaving for BYU-Hawaii in just a few days.
Everyone hovering around Trevor's crawdad bucket.

Abby got in plenty of gymnastics on our trip. Here she is on her "balance beam".My contribution to Sunday supper was dutch oven potatoes.
Abby patiently waiting for some warm chocolate cake with ice cream.

Abby and Holden
Scott and Nicole
Grandma King

Kevin and Amy
Trevor and one of his crawdads.
Greg and Kevin

Grandma and Grandpa King came out on Sunday afternoon for dinner.
Apparently, Holden loves to "drive" Grandma and Grandpa's car.
A hawk of some sort that we saw on our Sunday evening drive.

The mighty bird takes flight.
Kevin and Ashley got up early to go spot some elk.
Abby and Brody and their fire.
Scott holdin' Holden.
Greg trying to soak up some sun.
We were all astounded at how much the colors had changed from our drive out on Friday evening and the drive out on Sunday! Who know leaves could changed so much in only roughly 48 hours??!!

And the last item on the agenda, brunch at the Hub Cafe in Heber.

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